How to Create A Healthy Workspace?

healthy work

Set up your workplace based on the principles of healthy work.

  •  Sit with an open hip angle.
  •  Ensure adequate lower back support.
  •  Alternate between active and passive work.
  •  Move while sitting and standing.
  •  Adjust your desk to the right height.
  •  Position your screen at eye level.
  • Use an ergonomic mouse.
healthy working from home

The principles of healthy work

open hip angle office chair

Adjust your office chair to the right height.

Adjust the height of your office chair so you sit with an open hip angle. The angle between your torso and legs is greater than 90°. Your feet are flat on the ground.

With this open hip angle, your pelvis remains in a neutral position, allowing the natural lordosis (curve) in the lower back to form. This helps evenly distribute pressure on the intervertebral discs.

adjusting seat depth of office chair

Adjust the seat depth of your office chair.

The seat depth depends on the length of your upper thighs. Adjust the seat so you have a fist's space between the seat and the back of your knees.

This ensures that the seat doesn't press on your knees while your lower back maintains contact with the lumbar support. This way, your lower legs can easily move backward without restricting blood circulation.

lower back support on office chair

Provide support for your lower back.

Adjust the height of the backrest. The lumbar support should give support to your lower back. The right height of the backrest depends on your torso length.

position of elbows with proper armrests on office chair

Adjust your armrests.

Adjust the height of your armrests so your elbows are supported at a 90° angle. Your shoulders are slightly raised by the armrests (about 0.5 cm). This supports the weight of your arms and prevents your shoulders from slumping.

Adjust the right width. The elbows are supported close to the torso.

alternating between active and passive sitting

Alternate between active and passive sitting

You can move even while sitting. Alternate between active and passive work. Passive sitting provides back support through the backrest. Active sitting involves moving your back away from the backrest.

correct screen height

Position your screen at eye level.

desk height

Adjust your desk to the right height



Solutions for a healthy workplace

RH Logic 400


How to choose the right office chair?

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sit-stand desk


How to choose the right desk?

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togu cushion


Small adjustments, big difference.

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